
Yet another floorpanel .. Art_I_2010

yeah a hardsurface modeled floorpanel that is in 3dsmax and in UDK
diffuse, spec, normal, selfillumination
UDK scene spiced up with some models from the udk package. only the floor panel was selfmade

painting was the fun stuff!
again we made the treadplate only in photoshop. the rest was baked. used plenty of floaters and baked their AO seperately


Bunker P-24 with Art_II_2010

another one. now pimped with rebars, which i made afterwards. not enough time in the lecture again.
anyway. the rebars are now 5 sided but could easily made 4 sided without much loss of shading.

3 sided is difficult when you do not bake it..well i dont even know if you could bake a round cylinder flawless onto a 3 sided cylinder to fake its roundness. it should be no problem but i remember some difficulties when trying this ages ago.

also this prop screams for debris and broken concrete parts dangling on the rebars. the destruction comes not very believable without that.