This page is related to the Unreal Marketplace item "Physical Decoration Objects".
It contains 11 decoration items that feature sound and destruction effects.
All items are all self made and textured 3D objects.
These are the features of the baseclass:
- 11 textured 3D models that are used in 11 Blueprints
- 125 self recorded collision sounds set up in 12 sound cues
- 10 unique mapped Materials and 3 tile-able Materials using a total of 41 textures
- 11 Blueprints for physical decoration derived from one base class
- implemented logic to play sounds at collision
- all 11 blueprints derive from one base class
- with option to make objects breakable
- pitch downshift when objects get scaled up
- color tinting, either manually or randomized via seed
- 1 tint-able standard shader with detailtexture and tint mask option
- 1 tint-able opaque glass shader with detail texture and tint mask option
The options for the shader:
ColorTexture: The albedo texture.
TintColor: The color to tint the albedo.
TintIntensity: The intensity of the tint. it is clamped from 0-1.2 .
TintMask: Here you can chip in a b/w texture, that masks of the tinting.
UseTintColor: Should the tint color be used? This has to be "true" for the blueprint to have access to tinting.
UseTintColorMask: Set it "true" to use a tint mask.
BlendOffset: Fade range of the detail texture,
Detailcolor: The detail color texture.
DetailnormalmapTexture: The detail normalmap texture.
DetailTiling: UV tiling of the detail texture.
Distance: At what distance to the camera should the detail texture be blended.
UseDetailColor: Turn this off to not use it.
UseDetailNormal: Turn this off to not use it.
NormalmapTexture: The normal map texture.
ReflectionTexture: The reflection texture that is used.
Roughness Intensity: A multiplier for the roughness values.
UV_Paning: Set it to "true" to use the paning feature in the blueprints. It is mainly used with tileable textures. The value shifts the UV's on the mesh.
UV_Tiling: This is mainly used with tileable textures. The value multiplies the UV's tiling on the mesh.
And the options for the blueprints:
Synchronize Over Net: Is replicated?
Static Mesh: The used mesh.
Collision Sound: The used sound or soundcue.
Material Source: The material source from which internally a dynamic material is created. This is needed to tint the material.
Destructible Meshes: If a destructible is used, you will set it here.
Volume Increase By High Impact Speeds:
Max Speed To Volume: This value defines the speed where the maximum collision sound volume is reached.
Max Volume: This value defines the maximum collision sound volume.
Min Volume: This value defines the minimum collision sound volume
Pitch Decrease With Increased Object Scale:
Minimum Pitch by Scale: This value defines the max sound down pitch, when an object is scaled.
Sound Initiator:
Minimum speed to sound: This value defines the speed threshold that needs to be exeeded in order to play a collision sound at all.
Destruction Related:
Object Is Breakable: Objects can make use of a destructible mesh, when you use this option.
Speed To Break Object: The collision speed that is needed to break this object.
Impulse Strength: The broken pieces will be blasted away from the impact point. This is the amount.
Actor Life Span: Here you set the seconds until the broken actor will destroy itself. 0=will never be destroyed
Color Tint and UV's:
Random Seed:If this color is random, you can define a random seed here.
Randomized Tinting: Should the tinting be random?
Tint Intensity: The intensity, the tint color is applied.
Tint Color: The color, if you want to tint the object manually.
Move Tileable UVs Randomly: Tile-able materials can have their UV‘s shifted. To use it, „UV_Paning“ needs to have a tick in the material instance.
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