at first glance not too impressive, but it covers plenty of engine systems.
we had an eye on the system design of the lights/flickering lights and the switch interaction to be built fail safe in any case.
this was a nice case to show students, how even simple systems can be full of bugs and open ends, when not designed carefully
things and systems we build:
- import of various resources and naming conventions
- shader creation and material instances
- input events
- light functions and decals
- blueprinting for various systems like:
- lightBP that is able to be turned on and off and to flicker
- blueprint interfaces and simple interact system
- lightswitches, that can trigger custom selected lights
- levelblueprints for events and sequences
- run with "inputevent run (shift)" all with faster animations and speed
- footstepsystem that find different surfece types and select corresponding sounds
- blueprint doors
- mess around with the projectile BP
- a simple flashlight logic in the player BP
- create and particles and control them with BP
- render cinematics and camflights with the sequencer
- audio volumes with reverb
- sound cues
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